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TBR! Comics

An experimental comic by Kai Larson

Unexpected Visitors
Kai's normal day became anything but when three "guests" arrived.

A Likely Explanation
I suppose it's partially true. They ARE foreign to some degree!

Easily Convinced Feline
To be honest, he could really use the company.

Tails of Past Futures (ToPF) - Incoming Mission
A tale from their past, set in the FUTURE!

Friendly Introductions
Ooooh, THAT'S why it's called TBR!

I Call Front Seat
Apparently Roland isn't a big fan of sitting in a box propelled by explosions.

A Great Time
You do you, Tibber.

ToPF - Neat JACITs!
The duo set out on their mission.

In the Distance
...Tibber is buying toy swords. Silly doggo.

ToPF - A Cunning Plan
It worked once before!

...I don't think Roland got a permit for all that.

ToPF - A Dramatic Enterance
I don't think the tree disguise works as well here.

Foreign Technology
Ooooh, that explains EVERYTHING!

ToPF - Sorry!
Woah! I bet nobody was expecting that! ...Right?

ToPF - Not-So-Cunning Escape?
That fancy getaway didn't really get him far...!

ToPF - Breaking Boundaries
Despite supposedly being restricted to "stun," Tibber always seems to find a way to overcharge his weapon...!

ToPF - Tibber Protocol
...It's just a random number generator.

ToPF - Teamwork
A core part of being a Peacekeeper is to be able to rely on your partner.

ToPF - Leap of Faith
Usually a leap of faith requires all parties to be ready and willing. They are none of these things.

ToPF - Intro Epilogue
What an interesting development...!

TBR - Book 2
We're finally out of the introductions~!

Tails of Past Futures - Rocky Start 1
Something tells me you're feeling a lil' out of place, Bev.

TBR Vacation
Everyone deserves a break every once and a while!

Kai World Pt.1
Wait, that doesn't seem quite right...
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